Exciting news - Junior and Senior Summer Scheme offered to pupils!

08 June 2021

Exciting news - Junior and Senior Summer Scheme offered to pupils!

We are delighted to be able to offer a Junior and Senior Summer Scheme for our pupils this summer. 

Our Junior Summer Scheme will run from Monday 19th July to Tuesday 27th July 2021.

Our Senior Summer Scheme will run from Wednesday 28th July to Friday 6th August 2021. If spaces are available in the Senior Summer Scheme we may be able to offer some places to pupils moving into Year 8 (i.e. our current P7 pupils). 

Currently it is planned that the timetable for each day is 9.15am - 2pm and the children will bring a packed lunch. There will be no cost for the Summer Scheme. Places are limited (63 pupils each week) due to Covid restrictions. 

The Summer Scheme will focus on emotional health and wellbeing, as well as activities which are interactive and fun, with plenty of scope for outdoor play, sport, art and for learning activities. 

It is hoped that social distancing rules will improve in time for the Summer Scheme to begin but for the moment, the current practice of school bubbles will continue to apply. 

Applications for the Summer Scheme will open at 10am on Wednesday 9th June 2021. Places will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis. Please fill in the online forms below and then we will contact parents/carers on whether your child has achieved a space. 

To apply for the Junior Summer Scheme from 10am tomorrow click on the following link - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-yeCOETeDkaBkAVAK4mNqE6IZGSWWw5Fr-cwGloPHtpUMEVGOUdEUEZFNEMxUzZFQjlOM1lYOUtaNy4u 

To apply for the Senior Summer Scheme from 10am tomorrow click on the following link - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-yeCOETeDkaBkAVAK4mNqE6IZGSWWw5Fr-cwGloPHtpURENOV1VGNEFCNDZPTU9TVDUyTEtQOVVWWi4u 

Yours sincerely, 

Mrs K Taylor