Learning work packs and supervised learning in school - sent on 28th Jan

06 February 2021

Dear parents/carers,

Learning work packs ready for collection for Nursery - Primary 4

As already mentioned on Seesaw the next learning work packs are available for collection for Nursery, P1, P2, P3 and P4 pupils on Friday 29th January from 9.30am - 12 noon from the Queenora Avenue entrance. Pupils in P5-P7 have already received a work pack which will last up to February half term. So there are no work packs available to collect for P5-P7 pupils at this moment in time. 

If it does not suit you to collect the work packs on Friday 29th January you can collect the work packs the following week any day between 9am to 3pm.

Supervised learning in school for week beginning 1st February

The key worker/vulnerable child online application form for the week beginning 1st February is open and will close on Friday 29th January 2021 at 12 noon. Click on the link below to register your child for supervised learning: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-yeCOETeDkaBkAVAK4mNqE6IZGSWWw5Fr-cwGloPHtpURVFPVFhBMzlGVVdWWE9OT0pPRjY2M0pJTy4u 

Vulnerable children and children of a key worker have access to school for supervised learning. Children of key workers require one parent to be a key worker. 

Vulnerable children include: 

- A child who has an assigned social worker 

- A child in need includes children with disabilities, and children living in families where there is domestic abuse, substance abuse, and / or mental health difficulties. 

- A child who is receiving support from, or has been referred to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). 

- A child who has a statement of Special Educational Needs 

- A child who is ‘on-the-edge’ of receiving support from children’s social services. 

- A child who is in need, including in need of protection, but whose need is not known to statutory services. 

- A child who is not known to statutory or voluntary and community support services but who is vulnerable because their family is under increased pressure due to Covid-19 related circumstances. 

- A young person who was previously a looked after child, whether or not they are receiving support from statutory services. 

- A child who has been placed for adoption. 

- Asylum seeing; refugee children and children whose parents have no recourse to public funds. 

Please note that families who have come under increased pressure due to Covid-19 related circumstances qualify for supervised learning under the vulnerable category. If you have any questions about applying for supervised learning for your child please contact our school.

Many thanks, 

Mrs Taylor