Multiskills afterschool club for P1-P3 and Football afterschool club for P6-P7

01 June 2022

Dear parent/guardians,

Multiskills afterschool club for P1-P3 (suitable for boys and girls)

Multikskills afterschool club will run each Wednesday from 2-3pm by an outside coach. It costs £15 for 6 weeks and the pupils will have an opportunity to try out different sports. Places can be booked via ParentPay and the first date of the club is Wednesday 23rd February. 

Football afterschool club for P6 and P7 (suitable for boys and girls)

Football afterschool club will also take place each Wedndesday from 3-4pm by an outside coach. It will cost £15 for 6 weeks and the pupils will have an opportunity practice their football skills in preparation for incoming matches that we have. Places can be booked via ParentPay and the first date of the club is Wednesday 23rd February. 

Many thanks, 

Mrs K Taylor