P3 afterschool clubs - Tennis and Multi skills

22 April 2021

Dear P3 parents, 

We are excited to announce that we are now permitted to run afterschool outdoor sports. All afterschool sports will be organised for pupils in their class bubbles. We have two afterschool clubs on offer to Primary 3 pupils, these are Tennis (on a Friday afternoon) and Multi Skills afterschool club (on a Tuesday afternoon). 

A qualified tennis coach will be running a tennis afterschool club for P3 pupils each Friday from 2.00pm to 3.00pm outdoors for 6 weeks. This will start on Friday 30th April and the last day will be Friday 11th June. (No tennis club on Friday 28th May). This is a fun afterschool club that is for both P3 girls and P3 boys. The cost of the club is £12.00 for 6 weeks. Click on the link to register your interest and book a place for your child (please note that the places are on a first come first served place): https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-yeCOETeDkaBkAVAK4mNqE6IZGSWWw5Fr-cwGloPHtpUNFZIREU1MzFGS1FXMk45ODY5R1hXWEI4Ui4u 

A Causeway Sports Development Coach will be running a multi skills afterschool club for P3 pupils each Tuesday from 2.00pm to 3.00pm outdoors for 5 weeks. This will start on Tuesday 27th April and the last day will be Tuesday 1st June. (No multi skills sports on Tuesday 4th May) This is a fun afterschool club that is for both P3 girls and P3 boys. Multi skills is the development of different types of sports, for example, running, throwing, ball skills and games. The cost of the club is £10.00 for 5 weeks. A maximum of 20 pupils can attend this afterschool club with the Sports Development Coach. Click on the link to register your interest and book a place for your child (please note that the places are on a first come first served place): https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-yeCOETeDkaBkAVAK4mNqE6IZGSWWw5Fr-cwGloPHtpUOTBTODJUTjUwS1VWT1haVU41U0xSWE9SWC4u 

Payment for afterschool clubs can be paid online using 'ParentPay' or you can bring in cash/cheque to school in a sealed envelope. Please note that spaces come on a first come first served basis. 

Yours faithfully, 

Mrs Taylor