P6 & P7 London Trip Meeting

03 March 2020


To allow you to receive additional information about the London School trip a short meeting for PARENTS will be held in the Primary 7 classroom on Wednesday 1st April at 7.00 p.m.  Entrance to the school will be through the main doors on Central Avenue.  It is important that at least one parent of each pupil going on the London trip attends this meeting.

Attached to the letter that was sent home with your child is a medical form which MUST be completed and brought to the meeting or returned to school.  Please ensure that the date of your child’s most recent anti-tetanus injection is included. This information can be obtained from your Health Centre.

The itinerary for the trip will be provided at the meeting and you will have the opportunity to share relevant information about your child with the teachers who will accompany the children.

Please complete the reply slip and return to school as soon as possible.