School dinner menu for Monday 28th June and Tuesday 29th June 2021 (Fun Day Number 2!)

30 August 2021

School dinner menu for Monday 28th June and Tuesday 29th June 2021 

Monday 28th June - Fish fingers, beans & mashed potatoes with crusty bread followed by a yoghurt. 

Tuesday 29th June *Special Party Lunch for Fun Day Number 2* - Chicken nuggets, chips and red sauce followed by a tub of ice cream. 

School dinners can be booked through ParentPay or by bringing in the money in a sealed envelope. Apologies that ParentPay took a little bit longer to add on these dinner choices onto their website. 

Remember that school closes at 2pm on Tuesday 29th June and school closes at 12 noon on Wednesday 30th June. Non-uniform can be worn on both Tuesday 29th June and Wednesday 30th June. 

Many thanks, 

Mrs Taylor