School Meals

Portstewart Primary School is a healthy eating school. School meals are cooked on the premises on a daily basis. The kitchen provides a range of nutritious meals which are enjoyed by pupils and staff alike. Menus are issued on a regular basis with prices set by the Education Authority School Meals.

Pupils may also bring a packed lunch. As with cooked meals, they will be supervised by ancillary staff during the lunch break.

Parents who feel that they may be eligible for free school meals should speak with the school secretary. Parents pay for school meals using the online payment system of ParentPay. 

Breaktime Snacks

Our School Council has introduced a Healthy Breaks Policy whereby children are encouraged only to bring or buy healthy snacks at break-time. Information about this can be obtained from the School Council or by contacting the school. Our canteen supports us in this venture by providing a range of healthy items that may be bought during the morning break. These include toast, pancakes, scones, milkshakes, fruit drinks and an assortment of fresh fruit. Children may take money to the canteen to make these purchases.